Tin Soldier Wiki

Welcome to the Tin Soldier Wiki[]

A wiki dedicated to the web serial Tin Soldier.

Metal. Magic. Gods. War. Voodoo. Mood Whiplash. The Beatles. Chocolate Cake.

A brief introduction[]

Welcome to the world of Tin Soldier! We are not in the wiki-worldbuilding business, we are in the web serial business; we just happen to have a wiki. As such there is a canon, and the author – being the author – has access to more canon than the reader, and ultimate authority. However, if you would like to read first and then edit, transcribing information as opposed to creating your own world, that would be much appreciated. Fan-fiction and speculation, if such a thing should ever come into existence, should go somewhere else. We are new and small and we do not want to confuse the hell out of people.

Tin Soldier is set in a world not entirely unlike our own. 1375, when the madness begins, is approximately analogous to Edwardian times (but you can roll that into Victorian if it’s easier to parse) in the run up to World War I. We’ve got twelve months to a year and seven days to a week, dogs and cats and horses, cars and trains and rigid airships, radio and movies and telephone, coffee and tea and sodas. But we’ve also got magic, and gods that meddle in the affairs of men, and that has resulted in some serious divergence. We’ve got people running around who are the same colors as Skittles and M&Ms, and people with really weird material like stone and metal and plant matter patching wounds and replacing missing body parts. We’ve also got gods (although they don’t all call themselves gods) running around wearing the candy-colored people, and doing incredible things and making incredible demands.

However, they do seem to be getting the same music we have in this world. Peculiar!

Plotlines are mainly concerned with characters and small-world stuff, with the big world going on in the background, at least for now. Our main cast live in a boarding house in the bad part of town. They have a predilection to magic use or various other qualities that render them socially outcast. Erik is our metaphorical Tin Soldier, he is green, with tin repair work patching damage to his head and one metal eye. He also has some actual tin soldiers – that’s for those of you who have absolutely no interest in metaphors.

Latest activity[]

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